Newsletter 23rd August 2024

Pontesbury & Stiperstones

Family of Churches


23rd August 2024

My mother is no longer able to live at home and my brother, sister and I are in the process of sorting out the contents of her maisonette in London. I think she would admit to having been a bit of a hoarder. Cupboards and drawers full of bits and pieces, presumably kept because they might come in useful one day: buttons, pieces of string, pencil stubs, pins and various odd-shaped bits of broken plastic which came from who knows where. I have come home determined to turn out my own cupboards more often, recognising I may have inherited the hoarding tendency.

In our spiritual lives too, we can hold on to things which we should have got rid of ages ago. Grumbling, envy and selfishness, the need for approval or the need to have the last word become all too easily ingrained in our characters. These attitudes often spill out in unkind words and thoughtless actions spoiling our relationships with God and others.

In his letter to the church at Colossae, Paul writes that we should rid ourselves of these things. Instead, he encourages us to fill our lives with “compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience”. It’s not quite as easy as throwing rubbish into a bin bag! We need prayer, the strength of the Holy Spirit, and the support of other Christians to be changed. Whenever we meet together in our churches let’s take a few moments to pray for those around us, as well as for ourselves, that the peace of Christ will rule in all our hearts, so that our lives will show God’s love to those we meet.

Rev Fran Brealey

Little Dragons and Trinity Tots

We continue to look for additional volunteers to supplement our new Little Dragon and Trinity Tots teams. Please speak to Greg, Val or Sarah Young if you would like to know more.

Interactive Singing

There is a new interactive singing for wellbeing aimed at Carers starting at Pontesbury Pavilion on Friday 13 th  September, for 6 weeks. They can also bring the person they care for if they would like to. It is a relaxing and uplifting singing session no experience needed as they will be interactive easy fun sessions with the aim of improving wellbeing. Sessions areFree and refreshments will be provided. Booking essential via Shropshire carers team 01743 341995 or email

Pet Service

Habberley is hosting a Pet Service on Sunday September 8 th at 3 p.m. outside the Village Hall. All reasonably well-behaved pets are welcome. The service will be followed by refreshments in the hall. All welcome.


Please note the change of venue for Oasis, our fortnightly bereavement group. For this week only, the group will be in the WER of St George’s from 12-1.30 p.m. on Tuesday 27th August

The Gathering

The monthly gathering of Christians across the Deanery at Marton Village Hall takes place this coming Tuesday from 7 p.m. for praise and prayer.

Health Survey

Shropshire Council is reviewing health provision via a community survey (see the link below). It’s important that our voices are heard if we want the best provision available.

Please make time to do this if you’re able.

Service of Meditation

A new Ignatian style service is to be launched at St George’s on Sunday September 8th at 7p.m. The service entails opportunities for prayer and reflection as well as refreshments served. Everyone welcome.

Ride and Stride

The annual sponsored walk raising funds for our churches and the Shropshire Historic Churches Trust will take place on Saturday Sept 14th . This year the plan is to walk around the six churches of the group so that walkers can do as many or as few legs as they are able. If you want to walk for Pontesbury, please speak to Stephen Winwood, for Minsterley to Sarah Edwards and for Hope/Shelve Fran Brealey. If anyone would like to be an organiser for Habberley, please speak to Greg.

Group Service

Please note that this Sunday August 25th is a Group Service at Shelve at 10.30 a.m. The Group Service after that will be at Hope on Sept 29th.

Rea Valley Foodbank

Rea Valley Foodbank agreed that it will go independent from 1st October, thanks to the wonderful generosity offered by so many of our supporters. We are grateful to Foodbank Plus in Shrewsbury for its generous partnership over the first 18 months of our existence, but we are now ready to say: Rea Valley people are feeding their own. We are also grateful to Minsterley Parish Hall for the offer of a food store. Please contact Greg if you wish to become a supporter.

Richard & Claire

Please note that Richard & Claire remain on holiday until 1st September inclusive. All enquiries should be addressed to Greg or the relevant churchwardens.

Minsterley Show

Thanks to all those who baked cakes, made sandwiches and staffed the church stall at the

Minsterley Show. Just over £1500 profit was made for HTM funds

Songs of Praise

We have been warmly invited to a Songs of Praise service at Pontesbury Baptist Church on Sunday Sept 1st at 6.30 p.m.


Tuesday 3rd September 2.30pm at Brookfield Waterwheel

Big Breakfast

St George’s Church are hosting Big Breakfast, 4 half hour time slots. Cost £10 to include tea/coffee and toast. Call Marianne McCall to book a breakfast time slot on 07944333830.

Barn Dance & Supper

Minsterley Parish Hall in hosting Barn Dance & Supper. 5th October at 7 p.m.

Tickets available via the link below, QR code on poster or contact Sarah on 07971984925.

Calendar for the Week

Fri 23rd

Coffee Stop at St George’s from 10 a.m.

Sun 25th

Group Service at Shelve at 10.30 a.m.

Tues 27th

Foodbank at Minsterley 10-12

Little Dragons Leaders at 10 a.m. in WER

Oasis at St George’s 12-1.30 p.m.

Weds 28th

Coffee Hub at HTM 10-12.

Thurs 29th

Pontesbury Foodbank 10-12 noon

Sun 1st

Sept Holy Communion at Shelve 9 a.m.

Family Worship at Pontesbury at 10.30 a.m.

Holy Communion at Minsterley at 10.30 a.m.

Evensong at Habberley at 5 p.m.

Songs of Praise at Pontesbury Baptist Church at 6.30 p.m.


The Parish Safeguarding Officer is June Cribb 07947 482066. The Diocesan Officer is Carl Steventon 07598817717

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St George's church supports Eco-church. We have reached the silver award. To find out more, please visit this  link:

About St George's

St George’s Pontesbury, is a Christian Community providing a loving and spiritual environment in which to embrace, explore and experience faith in order to serve our community. We hope you find what you are looking for. Please do contact us for further help, advice or information.

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