Newsletter 5th July 2024

Dear Friends

More frustrations with the NHS in the Smith household last week. Fran was supposed to have an appointment to see a senior ENT surgeon, but a couple of hours before we were due to set off for the appointment, the doctor who had made the referral phoned to say that the booking clerk who had made the appointment had made it with him instead rather than the surgeon. The frustration lies not just the inevitable delay in seeing the surgeon, but also the enormous amount of work I had had to put into rearranging my diary to accommodate that appointment and the demands I had placed on other people to fit in with that timetable. At the same time, I recognize it is a poor use of NHS resources that there is a doctor who is spending his time ringing patients to apologise to them rather than seeing someone in need; booking clerks having to redo work they have already done; and the resources that will be spent in working out what went wrong. It is often said that the NHS needs more doctors and less administrators. It is easy to forget because they work behind the scenes what a vital job the administrators do.

In the same way, the preacher, the choir, the person leading intercessions can expect positive feedback when they do a good job. How often does anyone go out of the way to express their gratitude to those who work behind the scenes?  May God bless all those who work unheralded behind the scenes in our churches. They are worth their weight in gold!

Van Morgan

Van’s funeral will take place at Holy Trinity on Friday July 12th at 10 a.m. followed by a reception at the Crown & Sceptre.

Garden Service

Everyone is warmly invited to the Garden Service hosted by Pontesbury Congregational Church on Sunday August 11th at 2.30 p.m. If anyone is willing and able to represent St George’s at a planning meeting on the evening of Thursday July 18th, please let Greg know.

Youth for Christ Prayer Breakfast

There is a prayer breakfast at Pontesbury Congregational Church on Saturday 13th at 8.30 a.m. in support of Shrewsbury Youth for Christ, our valued partners in our youth work.

Snailbeach Summer Celebration

There will be a summer celebration service at St Luke’s Snailbeach on Sunday 14th July at 3 p.m. followed by afternoon tea at Snailbeach Village Hall. This is a new venture, so your support would be much appreciated.

Romans Course

A course on the Book of Romans, St Paul’s great masterpiece, continues on Monday July 8th at 7 p.m. at the Deanery, Pontesbury.

Praise Evening

Our next Praise Evening takes place at 7 p.m. on Tues July 9th at St George’s. All welcome to come along.

Prize Draw

The prize draw for the Minsterley Community Survey will take place this Sunday at Holy Trinity at the end of the service. It’s still not too late to complete a survey and enter.

Greg’s birthday party

Greg is hosting a 64th birthday party at Minsterley Parish Hall on Saturday July 27th at 7 p.m. and you are invited. Yes, that means you if you are reading this. It is planned that it should be a bring and share supper, and Mary Worrall has kindly offered to coordinate this. Please advise Mary of what you’re intending to bring. I do understand that it’s the start of the summer holidays, and many will not be able to attend, but it would be lovely to see as many of our Shropshire friends as possible (there is only a small handful of others coming from elsewhere).

Holiday Club

The St George’s Holiday Club is scheduled for the week commencing July 22nd and volunteers have been working very hard to get ready for it. We now need children to sign up for it, which they have been reluctant to do up to now. Would you therefore please pray hard about this, that the church will be full of children that week.

Rea Valley Foodbank Appeal update

We have received £80 a month additional pledges in response to our appeal. This is such wonderful generosity in our churches and the wider community. We are still a little short of our target. Please let us know if you are willing to pledge a monthly amount by 24th July when a final decision will need to be made as to whether Rea Valley Foodbank can continue to operate independently.

At this stage, we are looking for pledges rather than cash so that we can plan effectively. Offers of pledges should be sent to Greg Smith at or by calling 07902 794653.

Youth Camp

We are taking a bunch of young people from both Pontesbury and Minsterley away this weekend for an overnight youth camp at Condover. Please cover this potentially lifechanging event with prayer.

Tea in the Garden at Plealey Farm

Sunday 28th July, between 2pm to 5pm. In aid of St George’s Church and Road Peace (Supporting crash victims). £5 per person to include jam and cream scone and cup of tea. There is a Raffle. Tickets can be purchased at the gate. For more information, please contact Marianne McCall 07944 333830.

The Gathering

Tuesday 30th July, refreshments from 7pm, 7:30pm start. An evening of praising and worshipping god.

Everyone welcome. Marton Village Hall.

Minsterley Show

The Minsterley Show is back again on the 17th of August, and we need people to start making delicious cakes! If you think you can bake some cakes and pop them in the freezer then please do start as your support is very much appreciated! This is a big fundraiser for Holy Trinity and our stall is very much appreciated by the show attendees due to our reasonable prices – we can keep our prices down due to the fact that cakes and sandwiches are donated.  Keep the date in your diary and on your marks, get, set, bake!

The show ground is situated 5 miles Southwest of Shrewsbury on the B4386, Shrewsbury to Westbury Road. SatNav users should input SY5 8PW as the postcode.


A national survey investigating the views of ordinary church members is available at

Calendar for the Week     

Fri 5th            

Coffee Stop at St George’s from 10-12

Sat 6th           

Wedding of Holly & Rob at 12 noon 

Sun 7th                      

Holy Communion at Shelve at 9 a.m.

Family Worship at Pontesbury at 10.30 a.m.

Holy Communion at Minsterley at 10.30 a.m.

Evensong at Habberley at 5 p.m.

Mon 8th         

Youth Café at HTM at 3.30 p.m.

Holiday Club meeting in WER at 7 p.m.

Romans Course at The Deanery at 7 p.m.

Tues 9th        

Foodbank at Minsterley 10-12

Little Dragons at St George’s 10-11.30 a.m.

Pontesbury Finance Ctte at 1 p.m.

Praise Evening at St George’s at 7 p.m.

Weds 10th    

Coffee Hub at HTM 10-12.

Youth Café at Pontesbury Baptist Church at 3.20 p.m.

Thurs 11th   

Pontesbury Foodbank 10-12 noon

Trinity Tots at HTM 10-11.30 a.m.

Sat 13th                    

SYFC prayer breakfast at Pontesbury Congs at 8.30 a.m.

Wedding of Lauren & Tom at St George’s at 1 p.m.

Sun 14th        

Holy Communion at Hope at 9 a.m.

Morning Prayer at Pontesbury at 10.30 a.m.

Holy Communion at Minsterley at 10.30 a.m.

Summer Celebration at Snailbeach at 3 p.m.


The Parish Safeguarding Officer is June Cribb 07947 482066. The Diocesan Officer is Carl Steventon 07598817717

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About St George's

St George’s Pontesbury, is a Christian Community providing a loving and spiritual environment in which to embrace, explore and experience faith in order to serve our community. We hope you find what you are looking for. Please do contact us for further help, advice or information.

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