Newsletter 22nd November 2024
Pontesbury & Stiperstones
Family of Churches
22nd November 2024
This Sunday is the last of the church’s year. Next week we will be in Advent, and we begin to look forward to the birth of Jesus the Messiah. This Sunday’s set readings remind us that the child we are waiting for is King of Kings, and Lord of the universe. As churches we are also looking forward to the new calendar year. The Benefice Council recently agreed that from the beginning of January there will be a new pattern of services across our benefices:
1st and 3rd Sundays at St George & Holy Communion at 10.30
2nd and 4th Sundays at HTM Holy Communion at 10.30
1st Sunday at Minsterley: Tea-time service at 4 p.m.
2nd Sunday at Pontesbury: Morning Worship at 10.30
3rd Sunday at Minsterley: Minsterley Praise at 10/10.30
4th Sunday at Pontesbury: Family Service at 10.30
2nd Sunday at Habberley: Evensong at 5 p.m.
4th Sunday at Habberley: Holy Communion at 5 p.m.
Services at Hope and Shelve will remain unchanged.
This Sunday is sometimes called ‘Stir up Sunday’ from the Collect for the day in the Book of Common Prayer. Because the Collect begins with the words Stir up, and also mentions fruit, it supposedly reminded folk in church to get on with making their Christmas puddings. It is a nice story, but I am sure that most cooks did not need reminding of what preparations they had to do for Christmas! As we end this church year, we can be thankful for all the blessings we have received in the past 12 months. Let’s use the words of this prayer to ask God to stir us up by his Holy Spirit to be faithful in whatever is ahead. Stir up, O Lord, the wills of your faithful people; that we, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good works, may by you be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Revd Fran
Little Dragons
Little Dragons now has a new email address for anyone who wishes to contact the leadership team of Mandy, Leah & Helen. It is:
A reminder to all those who attend St George’s (regularly or irregularly) that we would very much value your completing the survey that was sent out a couple of weeks ago. Please either return to Greg or the address shown on the survey. If you can’t locate a copy, contact Emma at
Shrewsbury Youth for Christ
Shrewsbury Youth for Christ, who do wonderful work in Mary Webb School and in the villages is looking to increase its database of prayer supporters. To sign up would mean receiving a monthly prayer letter. Let Greg know if you would like to receive this.
Volunteer Drivers
Rea Valley Foodbank which relaunched successfully on October 1st is looking for volunteer drivers to transport food from the store at Minsterley Parish Hall to Holy Trinity on Tuesdays and St George’s on Thursdays. Please speak to Greg asap if you think you may be able to help with this.
Mary Webb Governor
After three years as a governor at Mary Webb School, Greg is standing down. However, the school would still appreciate a church representative. This doesn’t have to be a member of St George’s Church, but anyone with an interest in secondary education from any of our churches. If interested, please contact Greg.
News from Chile this week is not so good – Espe has had to be readmitted to hospital. We don’t know exact details as yet but she’s in a lot of pain. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.
If you would like to help the family financially since the operation has to be paid for, there is a go fund me page, which also has further details of Espe’s condition:
A Church Near You
Holy Trinity Minsterley is looking for a volunteer to maintain its A Church Near You page. If you think you might be able to help, contact Sarah Edwards
Due to the unavailability of Minsterley Parish Hall, the next tea-time church on Sunday November 24th at 4 p.m. will take place at Minsterley Church.
Monday Bible Study Group
The new bible study series on The Lord’s Prayer continues fortnightly. The venue for this is 4 Parry Drive on Young’s Way in Pontesbury, continuing on November 25th at 7 p.m. with thanks to Lynda Munton our hostess. Anyone is welcome to join us.
HTM Christmas Fair
Please give all donations for the tombola to Marie no later than 27th November.
Also, can all sold and unsold raffle tickets be given to Sarah or dropped at Marie and Colin’s no later than Wednesday 4th December.
We’ll be setting up from 2:00pm on Friday 6th December so any help that can be given then would be much appreciated.
Minsterley Christmas Fair
Our annual Christmas fair takes place on 7 December from noon – 3.30pm at Minsterley Parish Hall. If you’ve not already been nabbed, we’re looking for volunteers on the day plus donations for the tombola, craft stall and cake stall. We also need Christmas trees to decorate the hall. Contact Sarah on or 07971984925.
From Darkness to Light
‘From Darkness to Light’ is a musical written in 2019 that has been revised and extended on its five-year anniversary. It tells the Christmas story from a fresh perspective, including more unusual characters that don’t normally get included (such as Zechariah and Elizabeth!), and shares a new perspective on the refugee aspects of Jesus’ early life.
The show is being performed by the Shrewsbury Theatre Singers and is on Saturday 21st December at Bayston Hill Methodist Church at 7pm (with a preview performance at Yockleton Church on Sunday 15th December at 4pm).
The original show was performed in three towns/venues, including Hereford Cathedral, and is suitable for all ages. Tickets are available here:
Hope and Shelve Winter Tea
Hope and Shelve Winter Tea is at Hope Village Hall on Saturday 23rd November. Tea and cakes, stalls, music and craft activities. All welcome.
The Gathering
The monthly gathering of Christians from across the Deanery for praise and prayer which is hosted at 7.p.m. Marton Village Hall. as follows:
17 December 2024
21 January 2025
17 February 2025
18 March 2025
WW2 80th Anniversary
To mark the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War next year, we’d like to feature your recollections throughout the 2025 Minsterley Parish Magazines. These can be a memory of the war years as a whole, of VE/VJ Day, family history etc. They don’t need to be specifically Minsterley or even Shropshire centred – we’re excited to hear about wherever you were.
Pieces can be from 50 to 500 words. We can include an image though it will appear in black and white. Any image should be your own (rather than taken from the internet).
Please send your pieces to Sarah Edwards ( or David Young ( and watch out for what we hope will be a really interesting feature for 2025.
Calendar for the Week – November/December
Sun 24th
9:00am Morning Prayer – Holy Trinity, Hope
10:30am Holy Communion – St George’s, Pontesbury
4:00pm Teatime Service – Holy Trinity, Minsterley
Mon 25th
3:30pm Minsterley Youth Café – Holy Trinity, Minsterley
7:00pm Monday Bible Study Group – Youngs Way, Pontesbury
Tues 26th
10:00am Foodbank – Holy Trinity, Minsterley
10:00am Little Dragons – St George’s, Pontesbury
Wed 27th
10:00am Coffee Hub – Holy Trinity Minsterley
Thurs 28th
10:00am Foodbank – St George’s, Pontesbury
10:00am Trinity Tots – Holy Trinity, Minsterley
Fri 29th
10:00am Coffee Stop – St George’s, Pontesbury
Sun 1st
9:00am Holy Communion – All Saints, Shelve
10:30am Family Worship – St George’s, Pontesbury
10:30am Holy Communion – Holy Trinity, Minsterley
5:00pm Evensong – St Mary’s, Habberley