Newsletter 17th May 2024
Dear Friends
In the middle of Morning Prayer on Sunday, I suddenly realised that I missed sharing the Peace, as we would customarily at Holy Communion. I recognize that this means that I have come a long way from those days when it was the part of the service that I hated more than any other! The idea of a complete stranger approaching me and pressing the flesh was anathema to me. Only the English surely could have invented such a thing (it’s surprising we haven’t substituted bread and wine for tea and cucumber sandwiches!) Of course, the reason I now enjoy this moment in the service is that I am no longer among strangers, but friends and family and friends and family are those I would always greet with some show of affection.
The Peace therefore is an affirmation of our mutual family relationships as children of the same Heavenly Father, but it is also an important symbolic reminder that what Christ does on the cross is to end the broken relationship between God and His people, while paving the way for the end of all broken relationships. If only there was an outbreak of handshakes in Palestine.
The Bible Course
The eight-week course introducing the Bible finished last Monday, and was very well received. We are going to follow this up with a similar course on the Book of Romans, St Paul’s great masterpiece, commencing on Monday 20th May at 7 p.m. at 3 Earls Court. Please speak to Richard or Allen if you would like to know more.
Songs of Praise
We have been warmly invited to attend a Songs of Praise service at Pontesbury Methodist Chapel on Pontesbury Hill at 6 p.m. this Sunday May 19th. This is the first such invitation we have received from Pontesbury Methodists in several years, so do prioritise going along if you possibly can.
Open Gardens
Pontesbury Open Gardens is scheduled for Sunday May 19th from 12.30-4 p.m. Tickets will be available from St George’s Church, along with tea and cake. Do pray for a sunny afternoon.
Love your Churchyard
Come and count bugs, flowers and join in with other various fun activities. Families welcome.
15th June 10am-1pm at Pontesbury Cemetery, Bogey Lane
We are currently doing a survey in regard to the Maintenance of St George’s Church Burial Ground. Please find the link below:
Plant Sale
The busy weekend includes a Plant Sale, hosted by HTM at the Crown & Sceptre carpark on Saturday May 18th from 11 a.m. Plants of every kind available for sale, with refreshments supplied.
Table-Top Sale
June 1st. Tabletop sale. Tables £10. Book with Mary Worrall.
Duck race. Ducks £1, Starts at 12:00noon.
Hope and Shelve Fete
The Hope and Shelve Summer Fete will take place on Saturday June 1st from 2-4pm at Leigh Manor, Minsterley SY5 0EG.
We are looking for help on the day, as well as contributions of books, plants, cakes, raffle and tombola prizes. We also need someone to do face painting. Please contact Fran on 07982 324760 if you can help.
Minsterley Jumble Trail
Declutter your home and make some money for you and Holy Trinity! Minsterley Jumble Trail is taking place on 15th June from 10am – 2pm. Book a seller’s spot for £10 and your address will be added to the FREE Jumble Trail map which will be circulated to the wider community. For more information and to book your table contact Sarah on 07971 984925
Minsterley Show
The Minsterley Show is back again on the 17th of August, and we need people to start making delicious cakes! If you think you can bake some cakes and pop them in the freezer then please do start as your support is very much appreciated! This is a big fundraiser for Holy Trinity and our stall is very much appreciated by the show attendees due to our reasonable prices – we can keep our prices down due to the fact that cakes and sandwiches are donated. Keep the date in your diary and on your marks, get, set, bake!
The show ground is situated 5 miles Southwest of Shrewsbury on the B4386, Shrewsbury to Westbury Road.
SatNav users should input SY5 8PW as the postcode.
Callow Run
The Callow Run will be happening again this year on June 1st, organised by Anna Bayliss. Do contact Anna (07816 679216) if you would like to take part or for more info. The Run immediately precedes the Hope and Shelve Parish Fete at Leigh Manor, so why not make a day of it and enjoy both events?
Music Required
Does anyone have any old music books which have songs which would have been sung in the second world war? Would you be able to lend them to David Young for use at an event in June? Please contact David on 537081. Thank you.
Archdeacon’s Visitation
Our churchwardens will be sworn in by the Archdeacon at a Visitation Service at St George’s on Monday June 17th at 7 p.m. Do come along to this to hear the Archdeacon’s vision for the Deanery and support our wonderful churchwardens.
Helen Dickson
The funeral of Helen Dickson, a much loved member of the Minsterley Congregational Church will take place on Monday June 3rd at 11 a.m. at the Congregational Church followed by a reception at Minsterley Parish Hall
Calendar for the Week
Fri 17th May
Coffee Stop at St George’s from 10-12
Sat 18th
Minsterley Plant Sale at Crown & Sceptre from 11 a.m.
Sun 19th
Morning Prayer at Shelve at 9 a.m.
Holy Communion at Snailbeach at 9 a.m.
Minsterley Praise at Methodist Chapel at 10 a.m.
Holy Communion at St George’s at 10.30 a.m.
Open Gardens in Pontesbury 12.30-4 p.m.
Holy Communion at Habberley at 5 p.m.
Songs of Praise at Pontesbury Methodist Chapel at 6 p.m.
Mon 20th
Foodbank Team meeting at the Stiperstones Inn at 10.30 a.m.
Minsterley Youth Café at 3.30 p.m.
Evening Prayer at HTM at 5 p.m.
Pontesbury Festival Planning meeting at 6.30 p.m. at The Pavilion
Tues 21st
Foodbank at Minsterley 10-12
Little Dragons at St George’s 10-11.30
Pontesbury fundraising & outreach ctte at 7 p.m.
Weds 22nd
Coffee Hub at HTM 10-12.
Pontesbury Youth Café at 3.20 p.m.
Church Council at 3.30 p.m. at HTM
Minsterley Standing Ctte at 7.30 p.m.
Thurs 23rd
Trinity Tots 10-11.30 a.m.
Pontesbury Foodbank 10-12 noon
Deanery Synod at St George’s at 7 p.m.
Fri 24th
Wedding of Adam & Sinead at St George’s at 12 noon
Sun 26th
Morning Prayer at Hope at 9 a.m.
Holy Communion at Pontesbury at 10.30 a.m.
Tea-Time Church at Minsterley Parish Hall at 4 p.m.