Eco-church award
St George’s Church has been awarded the silver Eco-church award.
We do so out of a conviction that the world we live in was created by God and that human beings are both the crown of creation and the stewards of it. (Genesis chapter one)
To fulfil our mission, we have recently established St George’s meadow at the south-west end of our extended churchyard.
The project has involved Marches Meadows Group; Caring for God’s Acre; Shrewsbury Youth for Christ and Mary Webb Secondary School. In May, the latter three groups worked with church members to install six bird boxes and four reptile mats.
We have installed swift boxes in the church tower. We have also measured our carbon footprint and set targets to reduce it.
We have invited ‘Caring for God’s Acre‘ to address our Sunday morning congregation.
We have also twinned our toilet through with a toilet in Africa.