Newsletter 8th March 2024

Dear Friends,

How is your Lent going? Mine is a bit mixed, having decided to give up alcohol my two week stint at the cathedral meant I was plied with quite a lot of it over the period. Not to excess you understand but a glass here and there and so I am back on the wagon now.

The Cathedral was an interesting place and a supper placement. In one sense it is just a very big parish church and so the problems each of our churches face are similar in the cathedral, such as maintaining volunteers, trying to get out of a deficit, ensuring people attend services and so on, it’s just magnified by 1000! I am not sure they have any different or new ideas that we can put into practice here – and I am not sure if that encourages me or does the opposite!

However what does encourage me is that there has been a worshipping community at the cathedral for well over 1,300 years and over that time they have seen off famine, plague, war, reformation and plenty of other things. It is a good reminder that we don’t look to the material “realities” around us, but instead the spiritual ones, that God is in control and will continue to build his church as long as we have the will and desire to follow him where he leads.
Rev. Richard Lonsdale

Youth Worker
We will be welcoming Joe Barnes, the new Pontesbury Youth Worker, and his family, to St George’s on Sunday. Do pray for him as he settles into his new role.

Year of Faith Event
On Thurs March 14th, there is a Bishop’s Study Day at the Craven Arms Community Centre, where Paul Williams and Andrew Ollerton of the Bible Society are leading us. Some of you will know Andrew Ollerton as the leader of the Bible Course that some of us have been following on Monday evenings. Tickets are available via the Diocesan website. Booking is advisable since the event is likely to sell out.

Lent Lunches
Please note that there will be ecumenical Lent Lunches at St George’s on Wednesdays 12-1 p.m. and on Thursdays at Hope Village Hall at the same time. All welcome.

Dennis Owen
Dennis Owen, a long-time member of Holy Trinity Minsterley sadly died last weekend in Heartlands Care Home.

Richard Elliot, after many years of loyal service, is going to stand down as Webmaster of the St George’s website at Easter. If anyone feels able to take on this responsibility, please speak urgently to Richard or Greg about this.

Open Meeting
There is an Open Meeting at Minsterley Parish Hall on Tuesday 12th March at 7p.m. When plans will be shared for the development of the church. Free entry to a £50 prize draw to all who attend. Everyone welcome.

Good Friday
There will an act of ecumenical witness on Good Friday from 2.45-3 p.m. at School Green in Pontesbury, when Christians from across the area will gather around the cross to proclaim the Easter Gospel.

Christian Aid
Susan and Alistair Bates, after many years of sterling work, are unable to coordinate the Minsterley response to Christian Aid week this year. The week runs from 12-18 May. It may be possible for a small team to take this on, rather than one individual. Susan has promised a full handover. Please speak to Greg, Richard, or a churchwarden to find out more.

Marriage Preparation
We are hosting four couples on Saturday 23rd March for marriage preparation. If anyone would be willing to help prepare lunch for 10 people on that day, please contact Greg.

The Bible Course
Continues on alternate Mondays (the next on March 18th ). Allen and Margaret Marsden are hosting at 3 Earls Court, Pontesbury, SY5 0QP. at 7p.m. Missing earlier sessions is no bar to joining this very enjoyable and informative course.

Palm Sunday
Lent will soon be upon us and thoughts turn to the Palm Sunday Passion Drama, which will be enacted at St George’s at 10.30a.m. on Sunday March 24th . If you are interested in contributing to this in any way (acting/stagemanagement/music/narration/directing/technical) please speak to Greg at your earliest convenience. Rehearsals take place on Tues 12th at 6p.m., Mon 18th at 6p.m. and Sat 23rd at 3.30p.m.

Pontesbury Festival
Plans are afoot for a Pontesbury Festival in the summer of 2025. There is an initial exploratory meeting on Weds March 13th at the Pavilion at 7p.m. to which all are welcome.

Sunrise Service
There will be a Sunrise Service on Easter morning at Lower Camp on Pontesford Hill at 6.30a.m. Greg would be pleased to hear from anyone who would be willing to read at this service.

Repair Café
The bimonthly repair café takes place at St George’s this Saturday from 10-12. Although no guarantees are given, they have so often worked wonders.

Lent Carbon Fast
One possible Lenten observance as opposed to giving up chocolate is to consider a carbon fast. This doesn’t mean sitting in the dark for six weeks. There are various creative ways to engage with this. One possibility is the Christian charity, Climate Stewards. Details of what you might do can be found at

St George’s will be hosting a Passover Supper on Monday March 25th at 7p.m. This is available to anyone in the group, but because there is a lot of catering involved, guests must sign up in advance. There are sheets at the back of HTM and St George’s in order to do this, or you can email Greg at Please be aware there is a limit on capacity, so don’t leave until the last minute.

Walk for Refuge
Thanks to everyone who sponsored me on my daily walk for Refuge. We raised just over £340 and I walked through every weather the UK had to offer in the 29 days! Refuge’s latest statistic is that two women are killed by their partner in the UK every week. This money will provide vital help to the women and children affected by domestic violence every day. If you’d still like to sponsor me drop me a message and I’ll happily help!  Sarah Edwards

Big spring clean at Holy Trinity 
On 23 March from 9:30a.m. till noon the annual spring clean will be taking place at HTM. If you can help – inside or outside – please either turn up on the day with your preferred tools or get in touch with Sarah Edwards for more info / to volunteer. Coffee and cake will be on hand to keep us going! 

Evening Prayer
A weekly service of Evening Prayer is held at Holy Trinity Minsterley at 5p.m. on Mondays.

Snailbeach Coffee Morning.
Coffee Morning at Snailbeach Village Hall on Saturday 6th.April 2024 for St Luke’s Church 10am till 12. Cakes stall, tombola, raffle. A friendly welcome to all. Joan Evans. 01743 791374

Calendar for the Week

Fri 8th
Coffee at St George’s 10-12

Sat 9th
Repair Shop at St George’s 10-12

Sun 10th
Holy Communion at Hope at 9a.m.
Holy Communion at Minsterley & Pontesbury at 10.30a.m.
Mother’s Day Service at Snailbeach at 3p.m.

Mon 11th
Youth Café at HTM at 3.30p.m.
Evening Prayer at HTM at 5p.m.
Pontesbury Fundraising & Outreach Ctte at 7p.m. at 15 Manor Park

Tues 12th
Foodbank at HTM 10-12
Little Dragons at St George’s 10-11.30a.m.
Palm Sunday Rehearsal at St George’s at 6p.m.
Minsterley Open Meeting at 7p.m. at Minsterley Parish Hall

Weds 13th
Coffee Hub at HTM 10-12
Lent Lunch at St George’s 12-1p.m.
Youth Café at Pontesbury Baptist Church at 3.20
Pontesbury Festival meeting at 7p.m. at the Pavilion

Thurs 14th
Foodbank at St George’s from 10-12
Lent Lunch at Hope Village Hall 12-1p.m.

Sun 17th
Morning Prayer at Shelve at 9a.m.
Minsterley Praise at Minsterley Methodist Chapel at 10a.m.
Holy Communion at Pontesbury at 10.30a.m.
Holy Communion at Habberley at 5p.m.


The Parish Safeguarding Officer is June Cribb 07947 482066. The Diocesan Officer is Carl Steventon 07598817717

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About St George's

St George’s Pontesbury, is a Christian Community providing a loving and spiritual environment in which to embrace, explore and experience faith in order to serve our community. We hope you find what you are looking for. Please do contact us for further help, advice or information.

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