Financial Help

Like all Church of England parishes, St. George’s Pontesbury has to pay its way. We are fortunate to have our own Minister – but we have to meet all the costs of this post (such as salary, employer’s pension and National Insurance contributions, and training).
We must also pay the church building’s utility and insurance bills, and costs involved in keeping the fabric safe and in good repair – and we must contribute to the Diocese which provides us with a range of specialist services.
From time to time, we are faced with one-off costs (sometimes small and sometimes very large), usually relating to the structure of the church and its facilities.

There are several ways in which you could give St. George’s your financial support – and you do not need to live in or near Pontesbury to do this:

  • Regular monthly donations
    Giving your support through regular monthly donations as part of the Parish Giving Scheme allows our Treasurer to plan ahead and identify how much money needs to come from one-off fund-raising activities. We ask each donor to set up a Direct Debit arrangement between their bank or building society and their Parish Giving Scheme account. This allows donations to be made even when attendance in person at our services is not possible.
  • If you would like to help St. George’s by making regular monthly donations, then please contact our Treasurer . Alternatively, you can examine the Parish Giving Scheme  and then contact the Treasurer who will provide the Direct Debit form. If your circumstances allow, we would always ask that you allow us to claim tax-relief on your donations via Gift Aid.
  • One-off donations
    If you do not feel able to help us with regular donations, we are always grateful to receive “one-off” donations, whether large or small. These are particularly helpful to St. George’s when we are working to fund a particular cause. Recently, one-off donations have allowed us to provide new chairs and to replace the main doors to the church.
  • Should you be able to support St. George’s in this way, then please contact our Treasurer . If your circumstances allow, we would always ask that you allow us to claim tax-relief on your donations via Gift Aid.
  • Legacies
    We welcome bequests. It is thanks to these that we have been able to improve the facilities for worshippers and for visitors to St. George’s, as well as help ensure that we cover our regular outgoings.
  • If you would like to remember St. George’s in your Will, then please contact our Treasurer  who will be able to discuss this with you in complete confidence and provide you with all necessary information. A link giving more information on this sensitive and very personal issue is accessible here. We would also ask you to consult professional legal advice before making any commitment to St. George’s Church.


The Parish Safeguarding Officer is June Cribb 07947 482066. The Diocesan Officer is Carl Steventon 07598817717

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St George's church supports Eco-church. We have reached the silver award. To find out more, please visit this  link:

About St George's

St George’s Pontesbury, is a Christian Community providing a loving and spiritual environment in which to embrace, explore and experience faith in order to serve our community. We hope you find what you are looking for. Please do contact us for further help, advice or information.

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